Friday 12 October 2012

Those evil little numbers, letters and words

There are certain words, letters and numbers that I will hate till my dying day.

These poor letters and so on can't help it, and I am sure they don't do it deliberatley, however the person who created them should have a red hot poker bashed around their heads.

Over the years many of these have challenged us, in particular the classic b and d, who on earth thought that was a good idea!

Then we had the god awful number 5, argggghhhhhhh! That one took so many years of practice that I don't even want to think about it.

Those ones are generally now sorted, although occassionally they still rear their ugly backwards heads. Our current challenges are:

for some reason he reads wh words with a th and the other way around.

then we have the number 9 ( and occassionally his mate the number 7).

We have tried so many things to get these set in his head, so if you have any magic solutions do let me know!

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