Monday, 7 January 2013

We have some movement......

Its the first day back and I have the SENCO on the phone before lunch time calling me, how exciting. Firstly the usual stupid special needs thing that all the paperwork we filled out ( which she double checked was the right thing to do with the Ed Psych helpline) was sent back, as they want to assess if he needs to see them directly. Its great to cut out the middle man, but actually telling people you are doing this is a good idea.

So it turns out that she has spoken to the Ed Psych team and already booked the assessment in for him. Now get this, due to a catchment area issue they should not see him till the end of Feb, she persuaded them to let him go to another catchment areas session and has got him an appointment on the 4th Feb.

Its time to gather up all the info and evidence of how he is doing into one place, and to try and make it clear to the Ed Psych that he needs more support.

I am still none the wiser what an Ed Psych actually really does, but the SENCO asked a special needs inspector and they also couldn't define the role, so go figure.

I have not yet heard from lovely new OT, but she obviously spoke to the SENCO when she assessed Aidan a few days before Christmas. It sounds like she thinks Aidan still needs a lot of support and is setting up a new program for the school and has some suggestions for special pens and cutlery to help him.

It feels like we are making progress, but I am terrified that its too little to actually make a real difference. He still struggles so much :-(

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