Tuesday 22 January 2013

So hard to hear, that word severe

At the DRT today I was talking to Dr Sue about my impression that the school don't seem to think that Aidan has too much of a problem. In particular I mentioned that recently they were explaining that his reading level was roughly age appropriate.

I don't really understand dyslexia and I kind of always thought that Aidan had a very mild dose of it. I know he finds the reading, writing, spelling, coordination, concentration and organisation things all a struggle, but he seems to get on so well.

The lovely Dr Sue gave me a little shock by saying that he has very severe dyslexia, I am not sure why this is such a shock to hear. I am not stupid, and I know his dyslexia will never just go away, as much as I would love for it to bugger off. However hearing it classified as severe is still something to take in.

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