Tuesday 11 September 2012

Diagnosis - year 3

So he started in Year 3 at Junior school and it was pretty obvious that he was not like his peers. However I was still holding on to the hope that it might one day all just start to click.

Sadly that click never happened, and so I headed for a meeting with the school SENCO. She had assessed him, and what she had found pointed very strongly towards a dyslexia diagnosis. So after a long chat and lots of questions, she finally delivered the fateful blow that she was officially diagnosing him as dyslexic.

This was certainly not a shock, but I don't think its ever nice to hear those words. Especially when you have no idea what it really means and how you can actually help your child.

Luckily this was also the year that Aidan had an outstanding teacher, she had a passion for supporting children that have special needs, and its very much thanks to her that he made progress during this year.

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