Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Toe by Toe


My oldest lad is 9 and we have struggled for many many years with his reading and writing. He is a very bright boy, and he just seems to understand so many complex things, until you write them down on paper, then he is immediately lost.

When he was 7 they diagnosed dyslexia and since then we have been on such a hard and painfull journey. I know so many people say that they love their child as they are, and that they would not make their disability disappear if they could. Well I would kick his dyslexia to hell if I had that power. I hate to see his tears, I hate to see his frustration, I hate to see people assuming that he is thick and I hate the impact it has on his self esteem. I love him more than words, but his dyslexia should go jump!

He was a part of a Dyslexia Research Trust piece of research, and they are still supporting him now. One of their suggestions at the last visit was to try the Toe by Toe book. We have only been using the book for about 2 months, so he is still working his way through it. To be honest some days he is happy to do it, other days he screams and fights. However I do believe that breaking the reading down the way that they have is making a difference to him.

The book really helps to imbed reading concepts into their minds, and the idea of learning the concept, practicing it on nonsense words, and then moving on to real words really helps to drive it home. Its also very positive, you don't use crosses (and Aidan has certainly seen enough of those in his life), and they get lots of chances to get the three ticks they need for each word/ sound.

This is not a book that you leave them in a corner to work at on their own, the whole concept is to work side by side with them, and to take it step by step. It certainly takes some patience and plenty of work, but nothing worth having comes easy.

I don't think he will suddenly learn to read, but anything that makes a difference is good by me.

In conclusion:

A great support for any children that are not clicking with the reading thing - 10/10

Read more book reviews at :


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