Tuesday, 6 November 2012

And again my heart breaks......

As he gets older Aidan is becoming more and more aware of how different he is from his peers.

Over the holidays their task was to create a piece of art work showing the river they had visited for their last school trip.

Aidan wanted to give a good feel of the river so he painted a large picture with loo roll added to the blue paint to give the river texture, and gravel added to the brown paint for the rivers edges.

Its a great picture, but obviously because of his coordination issues it does not match that of his mates.

He was reluctant to take the homework in, and after a few days he admitted that he felt his work was rubbish, and silly in comparison.

All that work and effort, and he is left feeling like that!

We had a chat and a big moan about how rubbish it is being normal, and we talked about if he wanted to just draw a picture to take in, but he declined the offer.  He has a deadline for the work to be in tomorrow, so lets see if he willingly takes it in

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