Friday 23 November 2012


This blog has had me crying like a baby tonight.

This lad and his mum sound so amazing, but I don't want this for Aidan.

I know I can't change it, he will always struggle with words, BUT I DO NOT WANT THIS FOR HIM.

Some days I feel very accepting, and I try hard to love his dyslexia as a part of who he is, but after an hour of screaming and fighting because he doesn't want to do his reading. Followed by the blog reminding me about how he will struggle in the future, and how I will not be able to be there to protect him all I can repeat is that I DO NOT WANT THIS FOR HIM.

For tonight I do not accept his disability, I do not accept how society views him as less simply because he struggles to read, I do not accept this different life than I had hoped he would have, and I DO NOT WANT THIS FOR HIM.

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