Its apparently been a little over a year since the DRT started working with Aidan. So their report this time compared his ability levels with those when he did the activities a year ago.
Well as always it seems to be a mixture of good and bad news, why can it never just be all really good news, that would be so nice.
His reading has come on well, with an increase of 18 months during the year, so that's good, but that only brings us up to a reading age of 7.10, which is still about 18 months behind his actual age. However its progress so yippppppeeeeee!
The real issues are his spelling and also the difference between his abilities in non academic areas and his reading and writing. His spelling has hardly changed in the year and is stuck at about 2 years behind. The lovely Dr Sue has suggested trying to encourage him to use the letter names rather than phonic sounds for the irregular words.
This makes a lot of sense, for example when he spells come, he always spells it cum, which makes sense if phonics were logical, so she has asked him to try and learn these by saying the names eg cee oh em ee. Lets see if that helps.
On his general ability he is about 2 to 3 years ahead of his age, so this worries me. How frustrating must it be to think as a 12 to 13 year old, but to be able to express yourself on paper as a 7 year old. That 5 year difference has got to kick in at some point, surely he can't go on forever being such a star at school, that frustration comes out at home, but I am just awaiting and dreading the day that it moves to the school.
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