Sunday 4 November 2012

Whats great about your child.......

Us mums who have a child that has dyslexia are so often flooded with all the information about what they can't do and how they struggle. I know sometimes I think I will sink under the worry and all the negativity.

However here is Aidan's top 10:
1 - He is very social

2 - Witty and a little bit cheeky

3 - generally exceptionally well behaved

4 - very tolerant ( especially of his siblings)

5 - very grown up

6 - extremely helpful

7 - great fun to be around

8 - talkative

9 - increasing in his independence every day

10 - passionate about so many things, especially anything that involves either listening to stories or tree climbing and ropes.

So please post a comment, share your child's top 10,  something that makes them special, or even just a time that they have made you smile...........

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