Saturday, 10 November 2012

I hope I am not the only one that is pants sometimes

Its been a hectic month, you know the type of month when the little darlings bring home every bug they can find. When you add to that the fact that they kindly share these with me, its no wonder that I have stumbled a little.

I was so looking forward to October, it was September that had terrified me, with Cat starting in year R, Alex heading into Year 1, Aidan heading into Year 5, Elliot starting properly at the child minders, restarting my toddler group after Summer break, and my return to work after maternity leave.

However September went relatively smoothly with just a few hiccups. While I was focusing on getting through September and really really looking forward to having a rest the following month, it never occurred to me that October might turn out to be the month from hell.

So sadly for a while now I have been too busy, ill or just plain tired to give Aidan's extra help the attention it deserves. Does anyone else go through these phases when such an important thing has to take a back burner for a little while?

Anyway I have reduced my hours back down to just over 20, and am determined that when Aidan gets back from his sleep over tomorrow, that we will crack on with renewed vigor, so watch out toe by toe, touch typing, school work, OT excercies and all the rest of them here we come!

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