Friday, 7 December 2012

I think I may have a little scream so cover your ears

Let me start off by saying this is no ones fault, its just good old bad luck.

I have been very keen to get Aidan's referral to the Educational Psychologist in the pipeline, but after waiting several months it became clear today what exactly has been going on.

The SENCO at the school is brand new to the post, and took over the job just before the Summer, and I believe she also has a class on a part time basis. So she has obviously had a heck of a lot of work and learning to fit into a very small amount of time.

I was aware that she was not keen to make the referral, as I assume she has never made one before, and she was not sure why she was making it. So fair play, as a professional you can't randomly go shooting off referrals with no understanding of the reason behind them. I can imagine that the Ed Psych would ripe her to piece if they phoned to discuss it and her response was ummmmmm.

Anyway the lovely OT that felt it was necessary had spoken to her and I was under the impression that the paperwork was sorted. Anyway turns out that SENCO was waiting for a report that as far as I was aware the OT never actually said she would send.

You get the idea, its the usual special needs communication confusion and chaos.

So SENCO and I have spent the last few weeks trying to chase the lovely OT ( yes that is actually her name, or maybe I made it up, not sure, but she is lovely).

I did wondered what was going on after leaving many messages and getting no reply.

So today I got a call from his NEW OT. Apparently lovely OT unexpectedly had to go on early maternity leave, so NEW OT has been dumped with a pile of cases, no knowledge of the kids she is caring for and no handover.

After our telephone call today I was well impressed, and may soon start calling her NEW lovely OT. She has never met Aidan and so does'nt feel comfortable advising the SENCO on him, so she has rushed through a brief assessment appointment for 2 weeks time.

Then once she has spent some time with him, she should be able to advise the SENCO about the referral, who will then be able to send the paperwork, which will then bring with it the appointment, and then the Educational Psychologist will see him and solve all our problems.

He he he no I have no got mental, I appreciate that the Ed Psych may not help much, and Dr Sue (from the DRT ) is worried that it may just bring more useless paperwork into play, with no real help. I am prepared for this, but with count down to senior school ticking away like a bomb I will pin my hopes on anything, anything at all!

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